• How is your metabolic health?

  • Would you like to reverse your age?

  • Perhaps clear up that brain fog

  • Address some common health challenges

  • Reduce that weight

Hello my name is Margie Veselka and a big welcome to my space! I am so excited and grateful that you stopped by.

I am one passionate lady when it comes to sharing life changing information to help you support you and your family's health. I invite you to browse my space to learn more about me and what I do!

Picture of me a long time ago with our Toy Manchester puppies.

I have been using doTERRA essential oils and their amazing products since 2012. Yes I was skeptical at first, however once I tried that sample of lavender on my feet to help me relax, it literally changed my life! Those powerful few drops of lavender sent me on a path to learn more and share what I know!

Then a great big "AHA MOMENT" happened in my research, I can safely use them on my animals! So if that is something you want to know more about check out my Pets page to learn how they have changed my care for my animals.

TODAY I feel more empowered with my own health and my fur babies then ever before. Let me share with you how you can take charge of your health and experience the many benefits as well.

Let's do this together.


My Mission

"It is my passion and desire to empower you with the means and resources to be a healer in your home by using natural and safe solutions that benefit you, your family and your pets."

I simply chose doTERRA as a partner to fuel my passion and make a difference in my life. doTERRA brings integrity, science and truth in their focus on purity and their products while making a positive change in our beautiful world we share.

"I love how passionate Margie is about the products. She is determined to help others on their oil journey. I love how positive and encouraging Margie is. She has become a good friend to me through the oils" .

C. WHITE - cWc Creations

"Margie shared a sample of peppermint oil in class (just 1 drop). WOW I was amazed how it opened up my nasal passage and it also made me focus on learning in the class. I was really impressed with all of the benefits that little bottle of peppermint can do for you and I knew then I had to have these oils in my home for me and my family"

P. KNAPP - Customer
