Are you passionate about your pets in your home?
Do you want to do everything you can to ensure they stay healthy?
Are you frustrated with care of your animals longing for different results?
Do you see the needs of animals in shelters, rescues and just are not sure how you can help?
Are you looking for an income that rewards both animals and people that satisfies your love for helping animals in need?
These are the questions I faced for years in caring for my pets in my home. So what does an animal lover do? How can I help my babies? How can I help others that have a need?
Margie Veselka
Certified Animal Aromatherapist
Consultant for Dr. Janet Roark DVM
"It is my passion and desire to empower you with the means and resources to be a healer in your home by using natural and safe solutions that benefit you, your family and your pets"
"I love how passionate Margie is about the products. She is determined to help others on their oil journey. I love how positive and encouraging Margie is. She has become a good friend to me through the oils" .
"Margie shared a sample of peppermint oil in class (just 1 drop). WOW I was amazed how it opened up my nasal passage and it also made me focus on learning in the class. I was really impressed with all of the benefits that little bottle of peppermint can do for you and I knew then I had to have these oils in my home for me and my family"